Anti Malware is tool which detects malware in provided file or MD5 hash.
Tool takes input of MD5 hash or file.
IF file is provided than file is converted to MD5 hash.
After we have hash we compare hash with our malware databse hashes if hash matches than "File is infected" message is printed.
otherwise "file is safe".
When --full flag is provided code checks file or MD5 hash with full MD5 hash databse.
When --letest flag is provided code checks file only for letest malware hashes. Which database is updated automatically ehen flag is used.
1. Hash folder isn't haaving any hash file(s).
2. New malware is introduced and hash file doesn't contain that hash.
3. database is not updated with letest hashes. (run first)
4. Incase you paste any other type of hash insted of MD5 in hash checker.(you fool)
Python, Requests, Tqdm
For more details about tool Technologiesand pre-requisits visit tool github page.
Thinking to add features for
1. Folder scanning.
2. Malware analyzer.
feel free to collab.