Anti Malware Web

Anti malware web is a website which can scan your files or hash for malware infaction.
You just upload your file and if it is a malware you will be shown message "File is infected" otherwise "File is safe."
You can check MD5 hash also to check if hash is of malwar or not.

Anti malware web is web version for anti malware in short..

Let me tell you this in easy way
I have a MD5 malware database whhich contains malware hashes from time to time.
Now when you upload a file I am computing file's MD5 hash using JS using your computation power😅 on client side.
So, I don't need any temp database.😎
Now on the server side I am comparing that MD5 hash with my database.
If found than file is no good for you else feel free to download any pirated games/softwares....

Dude, I can't afford a server to save your file even if I can I won't bother to.

I am generating hash on client side so your file never leaves your computer.
just MD5 hash of your file is sent to the server to check.👍

PHP, JavaScript, HTML, ChatGPT😎

1. Hash folder isn't haaving any hash file(s).
2. New malware is introduced and hash file doesn't contain that hash.
3. database is not updated with letest hashes.
4. Incase you paste any other type of hash insted of MD5 in hash checker.(fool)

Will do when I feel like insted check anti malware for updates.

Github link :